Wednesday, May 24, 2023

COMMON POET Anna Maria Dall'Olio


COMMON POET Anna Maria Dall'Olio

She  is  internationally famed Italian Poetess. She writes common poems. She  is eager to participate in the common period movement. She is common literature period personality.

Her  3 line common poem below is an example of common era poems.

by  Anna Maria Dall'Olio  Copyright © 2023  


I am wholly alone 

I hang in an aura

I win the night

COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.

1 comment:

Common poetess Mónika Tóth

  Common poetess Mónika Tóth Joined common literature period movement. Her words I was born in Covasna on 14th April,1980. I graduated ...