Wednesday, May 24, 2023

COMMON POET Neda Dukarić

COMMON POET Neda Dukarić

She is famous poet of Croatia. She is  writing  common poetry. She joined Poet Sourav Sarkar's Common literature period movement.

Read  her poem: 




If I pass away before you do

I will live in my poems,

There's enough of my soul

To take care of you

Untill we met again

Somewhere among stars.


Don't worry,I'll be by your side.


I will touch you with ocean breeze

Watching over you from the clouds,

You'll be kissed by sun

silver Moon will sing a lullabay

taking you to sweet dreams.


Don't forget, I'll be behind your back.


If you pass away before me

You will shine in my eyes,

I'll breathing with your breath

Wich I took inside from  your lips.


Remember,I'm all yours.


Part of me is going with you

In the oasis of peace,

Another part will stay alive

Singing about our love.


COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely poem Neda---on a very difficult theme which I have thought so much about----the passing of a loving partner and the hope for a reaching in an immortal chord sense to the one left behind still in this physical plain of existence. Your words are true and so touching--thank you


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