Sunday, June 4, 2023

Common poetess Mónika Tóth


Common poetess
Mónika Tóth
Joined common literature period movement.
Her words

I was born in Covasna on 14th April,1980. I graduated high-school in Humanities at Körösi Csoma Sándor in Covasna and then I studied accountancy in my hometown. I am interested in culture and fond of reading, painting, philosophy and photography. I like Romanian,Turkish , Russian, South-American and Norwegian literature. .I am passionate the poetry. My new book of poetry is published with “Your absence makes me thin” (Soványít hiányod) title in Hungarian language.

my new book of poetry is published in Romanian language ''Tu ești roua dimineții'',and 5 anthology in english and romanian language

Her common poems:Copyright © 2023
About me

I am who I am. Expect nothing more; nothing less.
I write about what I know and what is true to me.

our love

We walk..
Our first kiss
Sweet than sugar


May day
In the rain

Smile at me

I saw

I saw your eyes today...

I melted at your smile...

My heart wanted to explode...


the scent of rose

drifting in the morning rain
remember today

forever and ever

I confess
The truth is
you mean the world to me
you will always be in my heart
forever and ever

you are not alone

You are not alone.
Take my hand.
I’ll be here
when the dark clouds
gather around you.

I speak

I speak within my thoughts
I am silenced in my spoken words
Because no one else sees my hurt

new day

starting a new day
my heart is broken
pain, tears
what’s the good news?

about hope

Hope is like a red rose
Growing from the tiniest of seeds
Finally blooming beautifully


you kiss me
and I shivered
smiled at me
and I shivered
looked in my eyes
and I shivered

When I miss you

When I miss your soul,
I send my heart,
hidden explorer, to you
I imagine we are together again,
at least for a few moments,
and our souls thread like in the old times…


I will make this end a new beginning,
I want to wake up in new morning.
I will get strength from the past memories,
I’ll start a life with a new series.

all the world

I touch you
All the WORLD. .
It’s so beautiful for me

I feel you
All the WORLD. .

It’s so beautiful for me

The truth is

You are my light in the darkness,
My strength when I’m too weak,
My voice when I speak.
My smile,when I see you.
My happiness when i am sad.
My friend when no one’s here.
The truth is
You mean so much to me.

I am

I am proud to be me
I am proud of my actions
I am proud with my achievements
I am proud a creative person
I am proud i am a poetess
My ink is my escape and happiness
I am proud of what I do


My Little Secret
I have something to say.
It’s stuck on my lips.
I crept into your room last night
I have something to say.
It’s stuck on my lips.
This secret is hidden
in my heart


Salty water on the tip of your tongue.

I will

I will always protect you,
I will love you and I will make you laugh…
will you come with me?
I will make you happy.


white petals unfurl
cherry tree in full bloom
nature’s Symphony


…. Well 12 missed calls.
too lonely,
too alone,
I know your bored.
You never thought of me this much before.


You take the words from my mouth
You take the thoughts from my mind
You control what I say
Freedom of speech,

COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.




Thursday, June 1, 2023

Common story writer Sabitri Das সাধারণ সাহিত্য যুগের লেখিকা

Common story writer
Sabitri Das
সাধারণ সাহিত্য যুগের লেখিকা সাবিত্রী দাস খুব নিপুণ লেখিকা। উনি কমন লিটারেচার পিরিয়ডে সাধারণ কবিতা ও সাধারণ গল্প  লিখেছেন।

নীচে একটি সাধারণ গল্প পড়ুন:

 সাবিত্রী দাস

পরপর পাঁচটি মেয়ের পর পুত্র সন্তানের আশায় আবারো গর্ভধারণ করতে বাধ্য হলো বুধি।শরীর  চলে না।বারবার সন্তানের জন্ম দেওয়ার ধকলে, অপুষ্টি আর রক্তাল্পতায় ভুগে ভুগে শরীরের অবস্থা বলার নয়। কিশোরী  মেয়েটিই যতটা পারে ঘরের কাজে মাকে সাহায্য করে।

ক্লান্ত অবসন্ন শরীরে ভাত বাড়তে বাড়তে বুধি ভাবছিল, এবার যেন ছেলেই হয়।তাই হবে বোধহয়, এবার লক্ষণগুলো তার কেমন একটু অন্যরকম লাগে।  পোয়াতির  লক্ষণ দেখে শ্বাশুড়ীও বলে-

   "বিটির মা ধুকুড়ি,ব্যাটার মা কুকুরি।"

......ছেলেই হলো,অপুষ্ট বিকলাঙ্গ একটি পিণ্ডের মতো শিশুটির জন্মের পর পরই বুধির পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্তি ঘটলো। পরম মমতায় বিকলাঙ্গ শিশুটিকে বুকে তুলে নিল কিশোরী বড়ো মেয়েটি।

COMMON  LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.

Common poetess Vasiliki Karatasiou




 Common poetess
Vasiliki Karatasiou is a professor of Greek literature. She lives in Greece in the town of Larisa. She is also the general secretary of E. LO. SY. L. She has published many books of poetry, three of them are translated in French. She has been awarded with a gold and a silver medal by the International Academy of Letters and Arts of Lutece. She has also won several prizes in many other competitions of poetry in her country. She joined common literature period movement.
Her poem :
"Homer's Greece"

Vasiliki Karatasiou Copyright © 2023

Today I met Homer.
His beard grew longer over time.
It unfolded through the pages of the Odyssey.
I traveled with him to Greece.
We went for a walk to the Acropolis.
He told me about the glow of history by feeling the marbles.
He couldn't see.
The eyes of his soul were wide open.
We greeted Caryatida up close together. But he didn't smile.
The epic poet gave me a wild olive branch looking towards the Aegean.
He said in a whisper: Greece, my child, is this blue-green sea, these marbles and the living language over the centuries.
Greece is the people who delivered it free. Greece is us!


  It is written and translated into English by Vasiliki Karatasiou, philologist, writer, general secretary of the Union of Writers-Writers of Larisa (E.LO.SY.L).

COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.







Common poet Shaibal Karmakar সাধারণ সাহিত্য যুগের কবি শৈবাল কর্মকার


Common poet Shaibal Karmakar

সাধারণ সাহিত্য যুগের কবি শৈবাল কর্মকার 

শৈবাল কর্মকার শিক্ষকতার পাশাপাশি কবিতা, গল্প ও প্রবন্ধ লেখেন । বর্তমানে বিভিন্ন পত্র পত্রিকায় লেখালেখির সঙ্গে যুক্ত। প্রকাশিত কাব্যগ্রন্থ:"মাৎস্যন্যায়"। 

জীবনী শক্তি     
শৈবাল কর্মকার Copyright © 2023  

গোলাপ গাছটিকে আষ্টেপৃষ্ঠে জড়িয়ে
মাকড়সার জাল,
ভালোবাসার নৈবেদ্য গোলাপ অবরুদ্ধ
ত্রাসে অবলোহিত লাল।

ষড়যন্ত্রে নাভি - সৌরপ্লেক্সাসচক্র...

বুননের মহান কারিগর !
শেখাও সৃজনশীল হতে
গড়বো মনের অন্তর্জাল

দেহে চলছে সাত চক্রের যুদ্ধ...

তোমার থেকে পাই জীবনী শক্তি
সারবে মানসিক ক্ষত
ভালোবাসা হবে মুক্ত
ধৈর্য্যে হব তোমারই মতো,

ভুলে যাও রতিক্রিয়ায় সাথী হারানোর যন্ত্রণা
মাকড়সার ক্ষুদ্র জীবনে পাই বাঁচার অনুপ্রেরণা।

COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.






Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Common Story writer Ranjana Basu সাধারণ গল্প লেখিকা

Common Story writer Ranjana Basu
সাধারণ গল্প লেখিকা
রঞ্জনা বসু

স্কুল জীবন থেকে লেখালেখির সাথে যুক্ত। স্কুল ম্যাগাজিনে প্রথম প্রকাশ। বর্তমানে বিভিন্ন পত্র পত্রিকাতে নিয়মিত লিখি। প্রকাশিত কাব্যগ্রন্থ দুটি। মেঘমুখ ও অন্তর্ধ্বনি। মুলত কবিতা, প্রবন্ধ ও ছোটগল্প লেখার প্রতি আগ্রহ বেশি।  সাধারণ সাহিত্য যুগে বা কমন লিটারেচার পিরিয়ডে উনি লিখছেন।  সাধারণ গল্প ও সাধারণ কবিতা।

একটি সাধারণ সাহিত্য যুগের গল্প
জীবনের দায়
রঞ্জনা বসু Copyright © 2023

মহানগরের আলোকজ্জ্বল রাজপথ দিয়ে ফুল সাজানো দামি গাড়িটি যখন ছুটে চলেছে তার নিজস্ব গন্তব্যের দিকে তখন সদ্য পরিণয়সূত্রে আবদ্ধ একুশের যুবতীটি ভারী বেনারসি আর অলঙ্কারের আতিশয্যে একেবারে ঘেমে নেয়ে অস্থির। অথচ তার  স্বামীর মধ্যে এতটুকু বিস্ময় বা উত্তেজনার আভাস পর্যন্ত নেই। 

           এইমাত্র যে বাড়িটি বিন্তি পিছনে ফেলে এসেছে সেখানে একটা সরু বারান্দা, একখানা মাত্র থাকবার ঘর। বারান্দায় ওঠার সিঁড়ি খানিকটা ভেঙে পড়েছে। পলেস্তারা খসে পড়া সেই স্যাঁতসেঁতে বাড়িতে সে রেখে এসেছে তার একমাত্র ছোট ভাই ও তার গরীব বাবা কে। তার আটপৌরে শান্ত চেহারার মায়ের আঁচলে রেখে এসেছে কনকাঞ্জলি। 

        এ বাড়িতে ঢুকতেই বিনতার শিক্ষার কদর যত না রূপের চর্চা হল বেশি। সে সুন্দরী। বুদ্ধিও যথেষ্ট। ভাঁড়ার ঘরের পাশের ঘরটিতে আজ তার শোবার ব্যবস্থা হয়েছে। অনেক রাত পর্যন্ত ঘুম এল না। কারা যেন কারও মাথার অসুখের আলোচনায় ব্যস্ত হয়ে আছে। বিনতা শুনতে পাচ্ছে তার স্বামীর নাম নিয়ে কথা হচ্ছে। নিস্তব্ধ ঘরে একা মেয়েটি তার সংসার ও জীবনের অতল রহস্যের সম্মুখীন আজ। গরীব  বাবার একমাত্র মেয়ে বিনতার যার আদরের নাম বিন্তি, কাল থেকে তার আবার নতুন দায়িত্ব আর অনেক কাজ।

 COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.






Common poetess Xanthi Chondrou-Hill


Common poetess  Xanthi Chondrou-Hill
She joined common literature period movement.

Xanthi Hondrou-Hill is an award winning poetess from Greece. She is multilingual and studied Literature, Public & International Relations Management. She worked for the Greek Consulate in Stuttgart, Germany. In Greece she cooperates with the local municipality of Naoussa, the Archaeological Service of the Prefecture of Imathia and others to create cultural events and festivals. She is an ambassador for literature magazines around the world, like NAMASTE in India and Chinese Literature magazine, Humanity in Russia. She works as  journalist for in Greece. Her poetry is translated into many languages around the world and featured in prestigious magazines and anthologies worldwide.
Her poem :

Copyright © 2023

 Xanthi Hondrou-Hill



The poets live

in their poems.

They are born in them

they grow up there

they are raised by the words

in the spaces they breath

they are resting on the punctuation

and even when they leave

they exist in the white of every piece of paper

at the edge of every pencil

and in the infinite possibilities of

expression in every language of the world...

COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.






Common Poet Nelson Gary

 Common Poet  Nelson Gary

Nelson Gary's works include XXX (Dance of the Iguana Press), Cinema (Sacred Beverage Press), A Wonderful Life in Our Lives: Sketches of a Honeymoon in Mexico (Low Profile Press), Twin Volumes (Ethelrod Press), and Pharmacy Psalms and Half-Life Hymns—for Nothing (Mystic Boxing Commission). He is an award-winning poet and essayist as well as a Pushcart Prize nominee (poetry). His work has been translated into Spanish and published internationally. His poems and prose have been published in numerous journals, magazines, anthologies, and newspapers, including The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Thunder's Mouth Press), Cooch Behar Anthology, Americans and Others: International Poetry Anthology, BlazeVOX, Los Angeles Times, and Desert Sun. Gary, a former professional tennis player and instructor, has been a ghostwriter and was the Sports Editor at the Santa Monica Mirror. He was an Associate Editor of Sparring with Beatnik Ghosts (Mystic Boxing Commission). Gary read at Lollapalooza in 1994, had a residency with Ivan Neville's All-Star Band at The Mint, and recorded his poetry with Elliott Smith ("Coast to Coast") on the latter's album From a Basement on the Hill. He is a Beyond Baroque Fellow and has facilitated two writing workshops there. At Heroin Times, his journalism helped thousands, if not millions, of people addicted to opioids find and sustain recovery. Through a period of many years, he has worked as a counselor and program director at drug rehabilitation programs. Gary has had three art shows, one group and two solo shows (Armory Center for the Arts, Zombie Joe's Underground, and Beyond Baroque). He has also taught Kundalini yoga. Nelson Gary has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from California State University at Northridge and a Master of Arts degree in Forensic Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. His poem below:

Copyright © 2023

The Holy Whodunit                                                                                                                              




                     I, Gideon,

Herded my debris in dirge depths squalid. 

Sad, stranger Bonesman done me a solid

Under tambourine lights 

            that melted in 


Cold on colder Mom—hitchhiker’s thumb?

The Second Coming within—smart or dumb?

Thanksgiving, ten little Indigenous 



In the bin, there were none much touched

On Mother Nature’s Daughter Earth.  Such

Sorrow shouldn/t encompass all the almanac

Of the dead, even my drop of Native American

Blood as dowry from. . .: black and white

Truths of Tao’s Old Master for women of means 

To own 

            free and clear, 


                                          my vulnerability



             free and clear

 To share with men of high position

            in the free world

As more than open, spine-flute elegy

sheets unfurled

As banners; soft, smooth mug

After unshaven for weeks—the age

Of 44.  (I wish I could be Robin Hood

In one way, not that I’m ripping off the rich.

This job is expensive, and I can’t cut

         the cost. 

I believe it’s somehow worth it 

to take 

a loss.) 

Nobody would make me,

                 Baby Face Nelson,


                   God's gun,

Other than Todo, Todd Moore, Dillinger.


The Holy Whodunit pulled the trigger

            in the Gold Building,

Molecules culled.  Living and dead cells


Spirit and Ghost washed the robe of mystical and near-death 

Experiences, the psychosis on my bad breath

Now absent in this well-anticipated remembrance.

I, the mad, mad monk, with striped Paul

Smith skullcap, am over 6-feet tall.

            Lately, poetry made


No more than a series of raves

                  I ranted

(Print of Pharmacy for a cover slanted

Watercolor work) because we'd been 

                 to Boots,

Benefited from unscripted 



            A few days ago,

With all his bloody might, he squeezed

Tubes of paint from the Leger rough,

Oiled orgasms of him, lover and traveler—

Hermetic huff and puff—born hoofed?

I was a nude model, not a painter. 

By jumping on my kinks, her performer

I became.  I keep my wife pleased.

I do it by taking a stand; I do it by getting


                   my knees.

Gawd!  It’s uh rhythm everybody should do. 


This pharmakos disseminated his view

Without stewing operatic over fuse


By collection 

Of not 


But souls

Surrendering to the inevitable, Big Brother Joy:

No omen of vision just risen


This prison 


Black and white 






To get justice

For my mother

And incarcerate



Soldier of dear Christ, 

Soldier of fortune, 

Who is the gigolodeon? 

Is it Nelson or Gideon? 


Dame, maybe it’s Armageddon. 

You and the Holy Ghost Team




Through the land of the dead. 

Hey, I’ll be what you said, 

Aja, “a leaf doctor,” who is 

                                         clear and free.

I’ve run with you for ages, Helen.  

You’re a healer and an assasin.





Quite quietly con-

            versing I did 



'bout duh wedder 

Of predominantly


In souls’ bellies 

When above would be 


Love of paid dues 

With homemade, fireproof






Expressed reds

Muted orange

Of pure watercolor—no charcoal 

Or crayon 





My little, homemade, untasted miracle 

            of marmalade!

All the honors were Mother's on da-da


            to the hungry 


Lotta worm, including Jesus Christ,

            Conqueror Worm

                (Psalm 22:6).


            This pulp planet, sought after

By blokes and gals' broken 





As works undisguised—without faith 

            dead on delivery

@ Heaven’s door knocked 


         by the stuff and nonsense

Of some writers’ belief 

                                    they aren't ventriloquists.

Dummies of ancient time on bloody rewind,

Can you hear them hymns 

            in the wind 





Than yourself, 

Yeah omniscient,

Not brainless bell of sun’s heartbeat

With Surya and Saranyu in the street?

Can you hear the Word’s words,

Can you feel that Wild Wind, Aja,

The Holy Spirit?  The witnesses

To my pranayama practice

Were Moses and Elijah.

In the words of Ronnie David Wood: “Breathe on me.”

Poets and writers close to perfect in their practices

Of Negative Capability can gain access

To nature, people, spirits, then become




Creating texts that are for readers 




Our sins and those of our ancestors 


By the blood of the Lamb, 




As white as the हिमालय,


                (“the Abode of Snow”).

I was a red fox with much ice to cross,


Over water, 

Smoking over 

How the choir

Would advise me on how to grieve and mourn

Mother with my nonbeing unborn,



   Born again together,

Through Pharmacy Psalms, we could be


       (“co-emergent, spontaneously, naturally

                  born together”).

What would I tell Death about being

            a gigolodeon, an Armageddon? 

I guess that it’s global, cinematic,

            and Shakespearean. 

It is an experiment 


                                    the Holy Spirit’s 


The love remains, but it’s more complex.



                                                                                      is simple.

It’s okay to bleed 


                                 twilight blood 



For it’s showing 

                         divine madness 


                                                         from top 

                                                                      to bottom: 

Unseen genesis of a resurrection 

In letters through G-d and Wisdom’s dictation.

Jesus Christ became many things, e’en Wisdom.  

I’m mindful of my creative submission.

I have no vision, but I do have this look:

Death of a poet, birth of a painter?

I am a Tiresias with Hokhmah’s book. 


For many, many years, 

                                     Lil has called 



(She still admires 

                           how my 

                                       creative process 


Like Isaac the Blind, Satan’s in my double bind.

Like Isaac the Blind, Satan’s in my double bind.

Didn't dress much like other poets and authors:

My beloved, loving wife worked with rock 'n' rollers.

I took breaks from Twin Volumes, a book

Funded by the Vatican, to take care

Of my mother and love her through

this one. 


As my mother's conservator, 

            I decided to





                                           life support,

Euthanize the woman who brought me 


            this world, bathed in blood,

But here 

And somewhere else, 

It was





The trigger.

Did I have




In the matter?


To let her suffer?!


Just let God answer.


                    Passive euthanasia.

                          Not active,

                        not active,




                   Passive euthanasia . . . 

                       euthanasia, you-

                         fanaja. . . .


Donna’s deathbed scenes now show 




God’s Gun

                 in my crowded 


My Gun

             in his crowded


After it’s over, civilization’s 

Unmade bed 


                              an invitation. 

COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.





Common poetess Mónika Tóth

  Common poetess Mónika Tóth Joined common literature period movement. Her words I was born in Covasna on 14th April,1980. I graduated ...