Thursday, June 1, 2023

Common poetess Vasiliki Karatasiou




 Common poetess
Vasiliki Karatasiou is a professor of Greek literature. She lives in Greece in the town of Larisa. She is also the general secretary of E. LO. SY. L. She has published many books of poetry, three of them are translated in French. She has been awarded with a gold and a silver medal by the International Academy of Letters and Arts of Lutece. She has also won several prizes in many other competitions of poetry in her country. She joined common literature period movement.
Her poem :
"Homer's Greece"

Vasiliki Karatasiou Copyright © 2023

Today I met Homer.
His beard grew longer over time.
It unfolded through the pages of the Odyssey.
I traveled with him to Greece.
We went for a walk to the Acropolis.
He told me about the glow of history by feeling the marbles.
He couldn't see.
The eyes of his soul were wide open.
We greeted Caryatida up close together. But he didn't smile.
The epic poet gave me a wild olive branch looking towards the Aegean.
He said in a whisper: Greece, my child, is this blue-green sea, these marbles and the living language over the centuries.
Greece is the people who delivered it free. Greece is us!


  It is written and translated into English by Vasiliki Karatasiou, philologist, writer, general secretary of the Union of Writers-Writers of Larisa (E.LO.SY.L).

COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.







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