Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Common poet Kunal Roy

Common poet Kunal Roy. He is in the world common literature period from the beginning of his journey.  He has done a good work in the field.

Being an ardent lover of literature, Kunal Roy has always shown a profound interest in its various genres. He began his literary journey in his fifth standard. During his graduation his articles and comments have been published in the leading newspapers like The Statesman and The Times of India. Currently he is associated with a few web mags as a regular contributor of different flavour. However, his favorite domains are art, folk, myth, religion, sociology and anthropology. He loves to translate in either languages. A post graduate in English Literature has won awards more than 30 times ( including two national awards) in 2022. His solo books are 'Shades' by Penprints Publication, Kolkata and "Confession : An Unfinished Story", Nirob Alo Prokashana, Birbhum. He is recognized both as a writer and poet. His research paper has been published in the Indo Bangla Project from USA recently. His works have been acknowledged both here and abroad. The author lives in Kolkata and is an Assistant Professor of English Language and Communication in George Group of Colleges, Kolkata. The author can be contacted at kunalroychowdhury81@gmail com

2 Common Poems Copyright © 2023


Kunal Roy

The cloudy canopy,

the distant hang,

the black waters,



await the black mass

burst into big drops,

satiate the latent lust 

of the mother earth! 

The boat is anchored

to the beachy story,

the dark pebbles

lie -

between the thoughts 

and reality! 

Often the tiny ripples

echo , lash against

the arm's shore,

showcase the story 

of the couple

love to drench to the feet: 

as -

they coo sweet nothing to each other!!



Kunal Roy

The night descended,

Shadowed the light forever,

Befriended the icy hands of death,

To snuff out the tender soul of one more!

And it happened!

The clock struck the right hour,

The God of Death appeared -

In the sky of oblivion,


Stopped the throbbing life,

Left the lifeless corporeal,

On the sands of time,

Took away the subtle form,

To the God of justice!

The voice will no more be heard,

The hands will no more move,

The celerity will more put the pitch,

Stand for a while -

And think twice,

Or fantasise,

Or wonder the Gift of God!

The world has come to a stand still,

The annals fail to console the hour,

The accomplishments have become -

A thing of the distant past! 

A pre mature age -

You have left us,

Without a caveat,

Without a single gesture,

Bade a silent adieu,

To the world of yesterday,



The stormy sea,

The waves roll,

lash against the shore,

The stars drop time and again,

Yet no not,

Wish fulfilment,

or destroying the urge,

preparing for a more fatal hour!

Orisons are sent above -

Await ,

The reply from the Gods,

Fingers crossed -

Stop the cosmic dance,

Reduce the worth of destruction,

Save the best minds,


The HUMANS on the earth!!

                           COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD Copyright © 2023  ALL RIGHT RESERVED©2023 No part of this  COMMON LITERATURE PERIOD THEORY PAPER  may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form or by any means ,electronic, mechanical, photo-copying ,recording or other-wise ,without the prior written-permission of the author.





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